The Phill Wade Show is a live sketch comedy event that blends humor, music, and comunity engagement, taking place at the historic El Dorado Ballroom in Houston’ s Third Ward. By merging the rich cultural significance of the venue with the comedic talent of Phill Wade, this show aims to create a vibrant and interactive experience that highlights both local talent and community pride. Drawing
inspiration from iconic shows like SNL and In Living Color, the event will feature a mix of comedy sketches, musical performances, audience participation, and local artistry, offering a dynamic platform for diverse voices. With a focus on promoting social issues through comedy, the show is poised to become a monthly First Friday staple, attracting a wide-ranging audience from across Houston and the country.
The Phill Wade Show
Contact us.
El Dorado Ballroom
2310 Elgin Street, Houston TX
Houston, Texas
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to support the artist, or join the show or just come to enjoy the vibe. Reach out to The Heist Agency. -
Want to know more about Phill Wade and The Phill Wade Show, drop us a line.